Welcome to TwinTarot.com


This site was created as a tool to guide you to the answers you seek. When you are confused or need direction, come to Twin Tarot for help!!
Twin Tarot provides you with a Fun Twist: You will be given TWO answers for the price of one!! Anastasia and Antoinette, twins separated by many miles, but connected in mind and spirit as only twins can be, will answer your question with two different perspectives! Many times the conclusions will be the same, but the two insights will give you all the information you need to be at peace with the answer to your question.
This is not a “fortune-telling” site. The future is only half-fated. Half of your future is decided by YOU! That is the part that we can help you with. If you need guidance about a relationship of any kind, a move, a promotion, etc., we can give you the insight you need to move forward or to make a change.
Be willing to open your heart and mind to receive the answer that the cards give. It is not always the one you want! Many times our patrons come back and say – “the cards were right!” – even though the reading returned an answer they did not want to hear. Be certain you want the truth before you ask the question. If you understand that the answers are there to move you forward on your Soul’s Path; to get you “un-stuck,” then you will LOVE Twin Tarot!!
And fear not – this site is all about POSITIVITY. Even if there is a “disappointing” answer, it is only because there is something EVEN BETTER ahead for you!!
Prices: $40 per question; $75 for 2 questions; $100 for 3 questions